选择海南比科大的理由 Why Choose Us?
办学优势 The Advantages of Studying at BiUH
- 立足海南自贸港和国际教育创新岛建设大背景,是中国境内的第一所境外高校独立创办的高等教育机构,也是德国公办高校首个在中国办学的高等教育机构
- 利用陵水黎安国际教育创新试验区资源,实现“小学院+大共享”
- 拥有得天独厚的自然环境
First Independent Overseas University in Mainland China: Amid the bustling development of Hainan Free Trade Port and International Education Innovation Island, BiUH is the first higher education institution established in China, independently, by an overseas university, as well as the first higher education institution started by a German state-run university in China.
Shared Resources: She draws resources from Lingshui Li’an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone to “share big for a small school”.
Beautiful Natural Environment: She is also endowed with a great natural environment.
Diverse Cultures: BiUH Students come from many Diverse Cultures

原汁原味的德国教育 An Authentic German School
- 教育理念:引入德国比勒费尔德应用科学大学“实践嵌入式”教育模式,培养创新型、应用型、复合型人才;
- 师资力量:师资团队与德国比勒费尔德应用科学大学相同标准,由德国比科大选派及全球招聘,还需在德国比科大接受培训。我们的师资都具有国际化的学术水平及丰富的企业工作经验和教学经验;
- 教学语言:学校的教学语言为英文,同步开设德语课程,因此,在此学习可以拥有一个天然的多语言学习环境。
Teaching concept: Work-integrated studies are introduced from HSBI to train compound talents with a mind for innovation and application.
Teaching staff: Equipped according to HSBI standards, lecturers and research associates are recruited from HSBI and the world, and are trained in HSBI before being assigned to BiUH. They are all international scholars highly experienced in teaching and working with enterprises.
Teaching Language: All courses are taught in English, students also study German, so the University is a truly multilingual learning environment

官方机构认可的质量保障 Officially Accredited Education Assurance
- 海南比科大属于中国教育部正式批复设立的高校,接受教育主管部门教育教学质量监管
- 德国比科大通过国际质量认证体系AQAS系统认证
BiUH is an institution officially approved and established by China’s Ministry of Education, subject to quality supervision of educational instruction by the competent educational authorities.
HSBI has been accredited through the international AQAS quality assurance system.

独具特色的学位授予方式 Unique Degree Conference
- 中国学位:满足学位颁发条件的合格毕业生获得中华人民共和国教育部承认的学位
- 双学位:符合专业及语言条件的学生可赴德国比科大学习一年,成绩合格者可获得中德双学位
Chinese degrees: Graduates eligible for a degree will receive degrees recognized by the Ministry of Education of China.
Dual degrees: Students meeting the academic and language requirements may study one year in HSBI, and receive both Chinese and German degrees.