杨欣元 Dr. Xinyuan Yang


所授课程/Courses Taught:高等数学1,经济学原理,应用经济统计


现任职位/ Current Position:数学讲师

曾任职位/ Previous Position:加拿大滑铁卢大学水资源研究院研究员(HQP Research Fellow)



加拿大滑铁卢大学 应用经济学博士

加拿大温莎大学 理论经济学硕士

山东财经大学 工商管理学士


教学经历/Teaching Experiences:



研究方向/Research Interests:

不确定性条件下最优决策理论,Real Options,气候变化与低碳能源大数据政策,碳中和,农业经济学,公共资源非市场定价理论。


学术成果/Research Achievements:

在《Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing》等核心期刊发表论文,参与加拿大最大的国家级水资源研究项目Global Water Futures开展关于农业面源污染治理研究,曾获批加拿大国家级科研基金CFREF拨款,参与撰写安大略省玉米施肥指导手册(大纲)。参与广东省哲学社会科学“十四五”规划2021年度青年项目《高等教育对生育意愿和生育行为的影响及其机制:基于家庭视角的研究》与广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划2022年度课题《广州积极应对人口老龄化研究:基于育龄人群婚育观念转变的视角》。2021年与清华大学合作《发挥新时代“碳”经济在构建新发展格局中的作用》收录于《中国碳中和50人论坛文集(2021)》。曾于2022年作为高级研究员参与上市公司老挝工业园规划可行性分析项目、“一带一路”专项投资基金—老挝钾肥物流中心项目申报等。2023年9月参与美国麻省理工学院能源研究中心气候与低碳能源研究组开展联合研究,研究方向主要为能源企业竞争性博弈,氢氨能源技术经济以及产业政策杠杆效应等。


获奖经历/Awards Experience:



2019国际工程科技战略高端论坛 “扬子江水奖”全球水技术创新挑战赛三等奖


加拿大滑铁卢大学优秀助教Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2016)

以加拿大温莎大学理学院经济学系2015级最高均分获得“优秀毕业生Excellent Graduate”称号。




Dr. Xinyuan Yang


Name:Dr. Xinyuan Yang


Courses Taught:Mathematics 1, Fundamentals of Economics, Statistics


Major:Applied Economics


Current Position:Lecturer in Mathematics

Previous Position:Research Fellow at the University of Waterloo





Ph.D. in Applied Economics, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2015.09 – 2023.03

M.A. in Economics, Faculty of Science, University of Windsor, Canada, 2013.09 – 2015.06

B.A. in Business Administration, SDUFE, 2008.09 – 2012.06


Research Fields: Real Options, Computational Finance, Decision Modeling, Investment under Uncertainty, Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics, Energy Economics


Teaching Experiences:

Department of Economics, University of Waterloo, Canada

Teaching Assistant/ Tutorial Lecturer

∙ ECON Clinic (ECON 101, 201, 221, 211), 2015-2016

∙ ECON 201: Microeconomic Theory 1 (TA, 2016 Fall)

∙ ECON 206: Microeconomic Theory for Business and Policy (TA, 2017 Spring)

∙ ECON 211: Introduction to Mathematical Economics (TA, 2017 Fall)

∙ ECON 221: Statistics for Economics (TA, 2018 Winter)

∙ ECON 301: Microeconomic Theory 2 (TA, 2018 Spring)

∙ ECON 371: Business Finance 1 (TA, 2018 Fall)

∙ ECON 392: Strat. Situations (TA, 2019 Fall)


Research Experience:

HQP Research Fellow, Canada’s largest national water resources research project, Global Water Futures (Canadian National Research Fund CFREF, 2018-2021)

The 2021 Youth Project of the 14th Five-Year Plan of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangdong Province “The Influence of Higher Education on Fertility Intention and Reproductive Behavior and Its Mechanism: A Study Based on the Perspective of Family”

The 2022 Project of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Guangzhou, “Research on Guangzhou’s Actively Responding to Population Aging: Based on the Perspective of the Transformation of Marriage and Childbearing Concepts of Childbearing Population”.

Future Energy Research Center – Clean Energy Policy Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Member of Canadian Resources and Environmental Economics Association

Member of Canadian Economics Association
