物流工程 Logistics Engineering



This major focuses on knowledge and skills in logistics management, supply chain management, data analysis, logistics technology etc.. It will cultivate high-quality technical talents who can design and optimize a company’s logistics and information processes by using digital technology.



Graduates majoring in logistics engineering will have excellent employment prospects, and can find opportunities in various fields, such as logistics enterprises, e-commerce platforms, multinational corporations, government departments, and consulting companies. As the logistics industry continues to evolve and transform digitally, demand for professionals in logistics engineering will continue to grow.


Module 模块   ID
Accounting, Investment, Financing and Taxes 会计、投资、融资和税务 RIF 3223
Bachelor Thesis 学士论文 BA 3133
Basics of Programming 程序设计基础 GDP 3104
Business Intelligence 商务智能 BUI 3216
Business Process Modelling and IT Systems 业务流程模型及信息系统 GPM 3210
Colloquium 学士论文答辩 KOL 3134
Cyberphysical Logistics Systems 信息物理物流系统 CPL 3203
Data Analytics 数据分析 DML 3204
Databases 数据库 DUD 3019
Digital Factory Planning and Simulation 数字化工厂规划和模拟 WSS 3228
Digital Service Engineering and Services Marketing 数字服务工程和服务营销 DSE 3205
Distribution and Sorting Systems 配送和分拣系统 VSO 3335
Digital Logistics Elective Module 数字物流选修模块 WM 9024
Fundamentals of Economic Sciences 经济学基础 GWW 6121
German as a Foreign Language A1 & A2 对外德语 1 DaF 1 101
German as a Foreign Language B1.1 对外德语 2 DaF 2 102
German as a Foreign Language B1.2 对外德语 3 DaF 3 103
German as a Foreign Language B2.1 对外德语 4 DaF 4 104
German as a Foreign Language B2.2 对外德语 5 DaF 5 105
German as a Foreign Language C1.1 对外德语 6 DaF 6 106
German as a Foreign Language C1.2 对外德语 7 DaF 7 107
Introduction to the Professional Field 职业发展导论 EBF 3312
Introduction to Project Work 项目管理导论 EPA 401
Introduction to Scientific Work 科研方法导论 EWA 301
Identification Systems 识别系统 IDS 3337
Industrial Engineering 工业工程 IEN 3240
Innovation and Project Management 创新管理与项目管理 IPM 3211
Intercultural Communication 跨文化交流 IKP 3212
Lean Production 精益生产 LPM 3215
Logistics IT Systems 物流信息系统 LES 3217
Material Flow Technology 物料流技术 ILG 3213
Mathematics I 高等数学I MATH1 3218
Microcontroller Programming 单片机编程 MCP 3220
Operations Research 运营研究 MOR 3219
Packaging Technology and Load Securing 包装技术和装载固定 WVT 3227
Personnel and Organisation 人力资源管理 PUO 3011
Practical Module I 实践模块II PX 1 3112
Practical Module II 实践模块II PX 2 3122
Practical Module III 实践模块II PX 3 3129
Procurement, Production abd Logistics 采购、生产与物流 BPL 3333
Production Planning and Control 生产计划与控制 PPS 3024
Quality Management 质量管理 QMG 3201
Statistics 统计学 STAT 3224
Supply-Chain Management 供应链管理 SCM 3208
Technical Basics 技术基本原理 TGL 3334
Technical English 1 英语/专业英语 1 TE 1 201
Technical English 2 英语/专业英语 2 TE 2 202
Technical English 3 英语/专业英语 3 TE 3 203
Technical English 4 英语/专业英语 4 TE 4 204
Technical English 5 英语/专业英语 5 TE 5 205
Technical English 6 英语/专业英语 6 TE 6 206
Technical English 7 英语/专业英语 7 TE 7 207
Transport, Forwarding, Customs and Foreign Trade Law 运输、货代、海关和外贸法 TZR 3225
Transport Logistics 运输物流 TLG 3226
Web Technologies 网络技术 WEB 3207
