物流工程 Logistics Engineering
This major focuses on knowledge and skills in logistics management, supply chain management, data analysis, logistics technology etc.. It will cultivate high-quality technical talents who can design and optimize a company’s logistics and information processes by using digital technology.
Graduates majoring in logistics engineering will have excellent employment prospects, and can find opportunities in various fields, such as logistics enterprises, e-commerce platforms, multinational corporations, government departments, and consulting companies. As the logistics industry continues to evolve and transform digitally, demand for professionals in logistics engineering will continue to grow.
Module | 模块 | ID | |
Accounting, Investment, Financing and Taxes | 会计、投资、融资和税务 | RIF | 3223 |
Bachelor Thesis | 学士论文 | BA | 3133 |
Basics of Programming | 程序设计基础 | GDP | 3104 |
Business Intelligence | 商务智能 | BUI | 3216 |
Business Process Modelling and IT Systems | 业务流程模型及信息系统 | GPM | 3210 |
Colloquium | 学士论文答辩 | KOL | 3134 |
Cyberphysical Logistics Systems | 信息物理物流系统 | CPL | 3203 |
Data Analytics | 数据分析 | DML | 3204 |
Databases | 数据库 | DUD | 3019 |
Digital Factory Planning and Simulation | 数字化工厂规划和模拟 | WSS | 3228 |
Digital Service Engineering and Services Marketing | 数字服务工程和服务营销 | DSE | 3205 |
Distribution and Sorting Systems | 配送和分拣系统 | VSO | 3335 |
Digital Logistics Elective Module | 数字物流选修模块 | WM | 9024 |
Fundamentals of Economic Sciences | 经济学基础 | GWW | 6121 |
German as a Foreign Language A1 & A2 | 对外德语 1 | DaF 1 | 101 |
German as a Foreign Language B1.1 | 对外德语 2 | DaF 2 | 102 |
German as a Foreign Language B1.2 | 对外德语 3 | DaF 3 | 103 |
German as a Foreign Language B2.1 | 对外德语 4 | DaF 4 | 104 |
German as a Foreign Language B2.2 | 对外德语 5 | DaF 5 | 105 |
German as a Foreign Language C1.1 | 对外德语 6 | DaF 6 | 106 |
German as a Foreign Language C1.2 | 对外德语 7 | DaF 7 | 107 |
Introduction to the Professional Field | 职业发展导论 | EBF | 3312 |
Introduction to Project Work | 项目管理导论 | EPA | 401 |
Introduction to Scientific Work | 科研方法导论 | EWA | 301 |
Identification Systems | 识别系统 | IDS | 3337 |
Industrial Engineering | 工业工程 | IEN | 3240 |
Innovation and Project Management | 创新管理与项目管理 | IPM | 3211 |
Intercultural Communication | 跨文化交流 | IKP | 3212 |
Lean Production | 精益生产 | LPM | 3215 |
Logistics IT Systems | 物流信息系统 | LES | 3217 |
Material Flow Technology | 物料流技术 | ILG | 3213 |
Mathematics I | 高等数学I | MATH1 | 3218 |
Microcontroller Programming | 单片机编程 | MCP | 3220 |
Operations Research | 运营研究 | MOR | 3219 |
Packaging Technology and Load Securing | 包装技术和装载固定 | WVT | 3227 |
Personnel and Organisation | 人力资源管理 | PUO | 3011 |
Practical Module I | 实践模块II | PX 1 | 3112 |
Practical Module II | 实践模块II | PX 2 | 3122 |
Practical Module III | 实践模块II | PX 3 | 3129 |
Procurement, Production abd Logistics | 采购、生产与物流 | BPL | 3333 |
Production Planning and Control | 生产计划与控制 | PPS | 3024 |
Quality Management | 质量管理 | QMG | 3201 |
Statistics | 统计学 | STAT | 3224 |
Supply-Chain Management | 供应链管理 | SCM | 3208 |
Technical Basics | 技术基本原理 | TGL | 3334 |
Technical English 1 | 英语/专业英语 1 | TE 1 | 201 |
Technical English 2 | 英语/专业英语 2 | TE 2 | 202 |
Technical English 3 | 英语/专业英语 3 | TE 3 | 203 |
Technical English 4 | 英语/专业英语 4 | TE 4 | 204 |
Technical English 5 | 英语/专业英语 5 | TE 5 | 205 |
Technical English 6 | 英语/专业英语 6 | TE 6 | 206 |
Technical English 7 | 英语/专业英语 7 | TE 7 | 207 |
Transport, Forwarding, Customs and Foreign Trade Law | 运输、货代、海关和外贸法 | TZR | 3225 |
Transport Logistics | 运输物流 | TLG | 3226 |
Web Technologies | 网络技术 | WEB | 3207 |