经济工程 Industrial Engineering



This major will produce high-quality internationalized professional and technical talents who are familiar with processes, characteristics, and quality requirements for products and services of global enterprises. They will be also involved in interdisciplinary fields combining technology and economic management.


本专业人才可在采购,生产,计划,质量和项目管理以及技术销售等多行业的不同领域实现广泛就业。德国比科大的经济工程专业课程与当地包括倍福(Beckhoff),魏德米勒(Weidmueller)等国际知名企业在内的四十余家企业合作设立,课程得到欧洲AQAS e.V.标准认证。毕业生深受企业欢迎,就业率超过百分之九十八。

Graduates majoring in industrial engineering and management can find employment opportunities in various fields, such as procurement, production, planning, quality and project management, as well as technical sales. The industrial engineering and management program at the HSBl was established in cooperation with more than 40 local companies, including Beckhoff, Weidmueller, and other internationally renowned companies. The program is accredited by the European AOAS e.V. Graduates are highly popular with companies, and the employment rate is over 98%.


Module 模块   ID
Accounting, Finance 会计、融资 ERF 3010
Bachelor Thesis 学士论文 BA 3133
Basics of Mechanical Design 机械设计基础 GDK 3120
Basics of Programming 程序设计基础 GDP 3104
Business Law 商法 WR 3026
Business Process Modelling and IT Systems 业务流程模型及IT系统 GPM 3210
Colloquium 学士论文答辩 KOL 3134
Controlling 规划与战略管理 PUC 3017
Cost and Investment Accounting 内部会计及投资学 IRI 3015
Databases 数据库 DUD 3019
Digital B2B Marketing B2B数字营销 DBM 3362
Digital Technology 数字技术 DGT 3119
Documentation of Mechatronic Systems 机电系统技术规范 DMS 3126
Elective Module Industrial Engineering and Management (work-integrated) 经济工程(实践嵌入式)选修模块 WM 9009
Electrical Machines 电机学 EM 3124
Electrical Measurement 电气测量技术 EMT 3115
Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Strength of Materials 工程力学-理论力学和材料力学 TMA 3108
Entrepreneurial Marketing 创业型营销 EMA 3361
Feedback Control Engineering 控制工程 RTK 3125
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 电气工程基础 GDE 3003
Fundamentals of Economic Sciences 经济学基础 GWW 6121
German as a Foreign Language A1 & A2 对外德语 1 DaF 1 101
German as a Foreign Language B1.1 对外德语 2 DaF 2 102
German as a Foreign Language B1.2 对外德语 3 DaF 3 103
German as a Foreign Language B2.1 对外德语 4 DaF 4 104
German as a Foreign Language B2.2 对外德语 5 DaF 5 105
German as a Foreign Language C1.1 对外德语 6 DaF 6 106
German as a Foreign Language C1.2 对外德语 7 DaF 7 107
Industrial Communication 工业通信 IKK 3127
Industrial Control Technology 工业控制技术 IST 3117
Innovation and Project Management 创新管理与项目管理 IPM 3211
Introduction to the Professional Field 职业发展导论 EIB 3000
Introduction to Project Work 项目管理导论 EPA 401
Introduction to Scientific Work 科研方法导论 EWA 301
Lean Production 精益生产 LPM 3215
Marketing and Technical Sales 市场和技术营销 MUV 3355
Mathematics I 高等数学I MATH1 3218
Mathematics II 高等数学II MATH2 3257
Materials Engineering 材料工程 WT WIG 3007
Measuring Systems and Sensors 测量系统与传感器技术 MUS 3128
Methodical Design and CAD 机械设计基础与CAD MKC 3354
Microcontroller Programming 单片机编程 MCP 3220
Personnel and Organisation 人力资源管理 PUO 3011
Physics 大学物理 PH 3101
Power Electronics 电力电子学 LE 3123
Practical Module I 实践模块II PX 1 3112
Practical Module II 实践模块II PX 2 3122
Practical Module III 实践模块II PX 3 3129
Process Engineering 过程工程 VET 3013
Procurement, Production and Logistics 采购、生产与物流 BPL 3333
Production Engineering 制造工程 FET 3352
Production Planning and Control 生产规划与战略管理 PPS 3024
Quality Management 质量管理 QMG 3201
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 半导体件与电路 HBS 3255
Statistics 统计学 STAT 3224
Technical English 1 英语/专业英语 1 TE 1 201
Technical English 2 英语/专业英语 2 TE 2 202
Technical English 3 英语/专业英语 3 TE 3 203
Technical English 4 英语/专业英语 4 TE 4 204
Technical English 5 英语/专业英语 5 TE 5 205
Technical English 6 英语/专业英语 6 TE 6 206
Technical English 7 英语/专业英语 7 TE 7 207
