Pengyong Ding

Name:Pengyong Ding


Course DeliveredMathematics for Computer Scientists




Current Position:Math Lecturer, BiUH


Former PositionsPostdoc, School of Mathematics, Shandong University



Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. in Mathematics

Nankai University, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Poling Class)

(Went to UC Berkeley for a semester as an exchange student)


Teaching Experiences

2017-2020:Pennsylavania State University (as a teaching assistant)

College Algebra I

College Algebra II

Plane Trigonometry

Calculus of Several Variables


2022-2023Shandong University (as a postdoc)

Complex Analysis and Integral Transformation

Abstract Algebra


Research Interests

Number theory, especially analytic number theory.


Research Achievements:

On a variance associated with the distribution of real sequences in arithmetic progressions, Acta Arithmetica 211 (2023), 229-263.

